Sunday, July 13, 2008

Date Night

Bill and I finally hired a babysitter and went out on a date. It was sooo nice and much needed. The girl was really sweet, talkative, talented, experienced and came highly recommended, so I trusted her immediately.

We went to Applebees so that I could order off of the Weight Watcher's menu. (Yes, I'm back at that again. I'm convinced that I'll be in a size 6-8 dress for this wedding that we have coming up in Sept.)

We attempted to go to Miami Meadows to listen to Kansas at the Midsummer bash, but the sound system wasn't the best, so we left early.

We found ourselves at the movies watching Hancock with Will Smith. It was a good movie.

Thanks for a great night, honey!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 2008 Updates

I posted a bunch of pictures from both the boys' birthday party, check them out. We had a great time and the party turned out so well. It was just perfect!

June went by like crazy! I had two online Master's courses to complete in about 4 weeks. They were both accelerated classes so that I could get done quickly. I would literally wake up every day, take care of the kids, work during their "rest time", go tutor, and then come home from 9 til midnight every night and finish school work. (Assignments were due daily by midnight.) GG helped out a lot on Monday's so that I could get some work done and I tried to work ahead. Here's hoping that I didn't damage my 4.0!!

Isa: She says the darndest (is that a word?) things. I swear she's a splitting image of me. She needs a lot of attention, loves to play school and teach others, and loves to be the BOSS and make up the rules to everything. She has a very nurturing side to her as well. She's going to make a great mother one day. She's loving, thoughtful and enjoys the care-taking role.

Braden: He's speaking more clearly every day. Check out the new picture with his buzz. It was a hair cut on a whim and won't happen again. Maybe we'll keep it a littler shorter than we usually do, but never this short again. He's still fascinated with trucks, cars, trains, and diggers. He's becoming a little more trying at the age of 3, but we can't complain! He was angelic from birth until now! We just painted his room this weekend. Hopefully, we'll get his big boy bed set up next weekend and I'll post some pictures.

Carter: He is just one big ham bone. Aw...I could just gnaw and love on him all day long. Look at the picture below and those fat rolls on his thighs! I really hope that he retains that dimple on the right side of his face. He still only says Mama and dada. He is clapping his hands now and reaches for what he wants. He's still attached to his dog and paci. We've finally broken him from the bottle though.

Bill: Bill's still plugging away at his PhD and working at FKI.

Edie and Olivia: Edie barks a lot less these days. Must be old age. Olivia, however, barks more! Olivia is a good tempered dog and will make a great companion for our kids as they grow older. She has a very sweet disposition and is very submissive. The kids can do anything to her and she doesn't care at all.

Naked baby with paci

Buddy with his new buzz

Bill teaches all of our kids to do this face. Not sure what it is, but they all know how to do it.

Bill, Isa, Buddy, and Carter

B-day party pics

Me with the two boys and the beautiful cake that GG and Papa had made.

My dad, Roger, with Carter.

Kane and Braden painting their house during the party.

Carter on before his b-day party.

Braden with his Chad Johnson jersey and "pink" backpack.