Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Day Party: Room Parent ideas

Valentine's Day Party ideas (Kindergarten)

1. Freeze Dance
2. To earn their goodie bags, they will pass 1 bag around while I play music (similar to Hot Potato), when the music stops, that person keeps the goodie bag between their legs. The idea is a fun way to have them get their goodie bags (and they don't even realize that you're rigging it so that everyone gets one. They legitimately think that they have a chance of getting a 2nd one!)
3. Relay races: Divide class into 2 teams (or more, if necessary). Give each line leader a spoon with a Hershey Kiss on it. They have to walk it to the bucket without dropping it and dump it in. Then walk back and hand it to the next person in line. If they drop it, they have to go back and start over again. After each person goes, they sit down in line so that when everyone's done, you can see that their team is finished. I let them play 2 rounds of this. Then the next 2 rounds, I give them a "task" to do on their way back to handing the spoon off. Instead of just walking back I'll say "quack like a duck", "crawl like a baby," or "act like a monkey." The kids love this version!!

4. Pin the heart on the Valentine
5. Scratch off Valentines, found at Oriental Trading (similar to scratching off black crayon to revela the color underneath, but it's in a heart shaped and is hung with a ribbon.)
6. Valentine's Day Memory Game (found V-Day Bingo Cards at Target for $1.00)
7. and my favorite.............CUPID'S TOY CHEST! I threw a whole bunch of our toys that my kids love into a suitcase and put the "Cupid's Sign" on it. The kids at this station will play with these toys on the carpet in the classroom. I'm anticipating this being a huge hit! Kids love new toys!


8. The picture at the top shows the Love Notes again. Each student will dictate to me what they love about Mrs. Arnett and I'll write it down. Then those scrapbook pieces of paper will be folded up in a way that makes it look like flowers coming out of the Love Notes vase.

9. Simple....Guess how many valentines are in a jar!

whew......I'm exhausted just typing that! Here's hoping that the kids have a great time!

PS....the Love Notes FREE downloadable tags can be found at www.eighteeen25.blogspot.com as well as the Organizer that I made below. Those ladies are great! Check out their blog. They share a ton of free stuff and crafty ideas!

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