Friday, August 22, 2008

I love August

Many of you know how special birthdays are to me! I love that my kid's birthday months are spread out perfectly between 6 months. Believe it or not, but it takes me that long to think of the ideas for the kids and the invitations. I slacked this year and sent the boys via e-mail, but the thought, research and creativity still took the same amount of time.

So, this year Isa is going to be 5! I can't believe that I have a child old enough to be 5. She'll start school next year. It's crazy. It seems like it was just yesterday. Am I even old enough to have a 5 year old?

She's been so into Princesses, dress up and pretend play, that I think we'll just do a general Princess Party this year. 1st year was dogs, 2nd was Sesame Street (which I have to say was my favorite game wise...I had Ernie's duck pond, Elmo's Coloring World, and we even bought her a "Dorothy". Well, let me rephrase that. Tried to buy her a "Dorothy." I sent Bill to get her a goldfish and he came back with a Beta! We ended up calling him Grover. Oh well) 3rd year was Ariel and this past year was Belle.

I have some good ideas brewing for this year. Hopefully it's just perfect!

Now, if I could only think of a good idea for 3 kids for Halloween. Last year they were Shrek, Fiona, and Puss n Boots! How do you top that?

Friday, August 15, 2008

August Updates

I have been really self-absorbed lately following my latest hobby, decorating. After realizing I only had 1 picture of my children from the entire month of July, I decided that it was time to get back to my old ways of taking pictures of my kids and having fun with them and stop being so preoccupied with "getting things done." The pictures below are from some of the things that we did.

Don't get me wrong, I do fun things with them almost every day, but I've been failing miserably at capturing moments on camera and really engaging in that meaningful play with them. I won't get too dramatic though because we've still had plenty of trips to the pool, Kings Island, playdates, parks, walks, it's not like I've completely kept them secluded during my preoccupation period.

Isa started soccer two weeks ago. She did so well this past week. She dribbled well, scored two goals and learned how to stop the ball with her foot. She was cracking me up whenever she would run too fast. I overheard her tell the coaches that she can't run because her stomach starts jumping. I guess that meant she couldn't catch her breath! Her first game is on the 23rd.

Both Braden and Isa start school in a few weeks. I'll need to make sure to get those moments on camera.

Carter just got over a double ear infection and a virus with blisters in his throat.

I'm down 3 lbs. this week on WW. Weigh in again tomorrow. My cousin, Angela, and I set a goal to lose 12 lbs. before our cousin, Jen's, wedding on Sept. 6. We started last week. So, as long as I keep exercising and staying within my point range, I'll lose that 3 lbs. per week. (Such a slacker....why does it take me a month before a wedding to get motivated?)

I don't know that I've mentioned this, but please keep Bill in your thoughts. He has a qualifying exam to pass and a paper due October 3rd. He must pass the qualifying exam to stay in the PhD program. The paper, if chosen to be published, would be something that he would present in Rome, Italy next May 2009. We'd both like to go if his paper is selected.

Met up with my old friend, Tina Cramer that I used to work with at Pete's Restaurant years ago and spent time with her and her kids today. She has two. Twins. Brooke and Brady. They're starting kindergarten this year! Geesh, time flies.

GG and Papa's anniversary is tomorrow. Happy Anniversary!

So many people are having babies here within the next few weeks: cousin Angie, friend Lisa, friend Monica, and friend Libby. Good luck to all of you!

August Pictures

Isa and her friend, Maura. When they both have their hair down, these two could be twins! Maura is Monica's daughter.

Carter driving the car

Isa at Recreations Outlet

A princess smelling her rose

Trying to convince Carter to marry her! (Braden wouldn't participate)

GG bought Isa a make up kit and had it delivered this week. She's played with it for a few hours every day in her room by herself. This is how she came downstairs a few days ago. She even knows how to do ponytails, so she styled her hair herself.

Finally getting him to sit still!

Funny faces at breakfast. Today, he said (while waiting to eat his waffles that I cooked him) "Wake up waffles. It's Buddy's turn!" Translation: Come on, waffles. I'm hungry. Hurry up and get over here. It's my turn to eat you.

The things that the youngest can get away with. He's been broken from a bottle for months now. Must have been a bad day to con a bottle out of me!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lots to catch up on

Isa got into the preschool right up the street. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. That's a blessing so that Mom doesn't have to drive all over creation transporting children to school each day. Her teacher sent her a letter and will be coming to visit her on Aug. 12 to get to know her and read a story with her. What a thoughtful woman! I always wanted to do that, but never got around to it as a teacher! She starts right after Labor Day.

Braden will start August 21. We started potty training again. He's doing pretty well, but still does pee on the floor at times.

Carter will still be at home with me.

I started officially working for Smarty Pants doing some advertising work. My boss is very flexible and is allowing me to work from home.

Bill needs to start studying for his Qualifying exam for his PhD and also write this important paper before October 3rd. Pray that he both passes and gets that paper done. He already has one published paper, but this one (if accepted) would be presented in ROME, ITALY! Not only would it be another accomplishment, but we'd like for me to go as well!

On a sad note, my nephew was hit by a car last week. He's at home now, but he definitely was very lucky. He was effected from his neck up. Nothing was damaged on his lower body. He did have to have plastic surgery, but there has been no evidence of brain damage. A lot of swelling, cuts, stitches, staples and such, but he's alive and doing very well considering. Please pray for him.

Bill and I took care of my sister's other 4 children and that was a handful...7 kids under the age of 9! (2) 9 year old's, (2) 4 year olds, (1) 3 year old and (2) 1 year olds. There was not one minute of free time. We went from the time we woke up until 11-11:30 each night! The kids were really good and we were happy that my sister knew that she could just concentrate on my nephew's recovery.

Important dates in August:
August 10: Dad's birthday
August 13: Aunt Donn'a Birthday
August 16: Barb and Butch's Anniversary and Edie and Olivia's Birthdays
August 16: Jim's Birthday

Happy B-day and anniversary everyone!