Monday, August 4, 2008

Lots to catch up on

Isa got into the preschool right up the street. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. That's a blessing so that Mom doesn't have to drive all over creation transporting children to school each day. Her teacher sent her a letter and will be coming to visit her on Aug. 12 to get to know her and read a story with her. What a thoughtful woman! I always wanted to do that, but never got around to it as a teacher! She starts right after Labor Day.

Braden will start August 21. We started potty training again. He's doing pretty well, but still does pee on the floor at times.

Carter will still be at home with me.

I started officially working for Smarty Pants doing some advertising work. My boss is very flexible and is allowing me to work from home.

Bill needs to start studying for his Qualifying exam for his PhD and also write this important paper before October 3rd. Pray that he both passes and gets that paper done. He already has one published paper, but this one (if accepted) would be presented in ROME, ITALY! Not only would it be another accomplishment, but we'd like for me to go as well!

On a sad note, my nephew was hit by a car last week. He's at home now, but he definitely was very lucky. He was effected from his neck up. Nothing was damaged on his lower body. He did have to have plastic surgery, but there has been no evidence of brain damage. A lot of swelling, cuts, stitches, staples and such, but he's alive and doing very well considering. Please pray for him.

Bill and I took care of my sister's other 4 children and that was a handful...7 kids under the age of 9! (2) 9 year old's, (2) 4 year olds, (1) 3 year old and (2) 1 year olds. There was not one minute of free time. We went from the time we woke up until 11-11:30 each night! The kids were really good and we were happy that my sister knew that she could just concentrate on my nephew's recovery.

Important dates in August:
August 10: Dad's birthday
August 13: Aunt Donn'a Birthday
August 16: Barb and Butch's Anniversary and Edie and Olivia's Birthdays
August 16: Jim's Birthday

Happy B-day and anniversary everyone!

1 comment:

Lisa and Josh said...

Oh my goodness! Josh and I will be praying for your nephew! Sounds like you have been quite busy lately! We will also pray for Bill and his paper. Hope all is well! Miss you!