Sunday, May 11, 2008

Braden's Speech Therapy

Braden officially qualified for Milford's Special Education Preschool for Speech. We have his meeting this coming Friday to write his IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and set speech goals for him for the next year. He will begin the program next Fall when school begins.

He has done wonderfully this past year, and has made marked improvement with the support services in which he has received through a program called Help Me Grow. If you've never heard of the program you can read more about it here: Hamilton, Butler, Warren and Clermont Counties all have Help Me Grow Programs. They offer FREE services to children birth - 3 years. OT, PT, Speech, and parental support. A lot of the therapists come directly to your home. If you know of anyone needing services for their young children, please pass the information along.

I can't say enough about the women that have helped Braden. He has come such a long way since last year and I'm very proud of him. Thank you to Robin, Anna, Betsy, Melissa, and Janna for taking so well to out little guy. I loved seeing his eyes light up when we talked about you and I'll forever be grateful for how much you helped, loved and doted on Braden. In addition, I'm especially grateful to you for teaching me how to help my son!

I definitely have mixed emotions about this right now. On one hand I don't want anything to be wrong with Braden and I would have loved it if he wouldn't have qualified. But, on the other hand, I've seen how well he has grown with the services and the treatment that he has received, so it's best that he did qualify and will continue receiving those services. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen is for a kid to be right on the bubble, teeter tottering between qualifying and not and then doesn't end up receiving services. I'm happy and grateful that these services will be in place and that my son will be getting exactly what he needs, but I still wish that he didn't have to be there. He'll be going 4 days a week from 9:05 to 11:35. We'll have to decide if Dad's driving him or if he'll be riding the bus! :) Ha ha, Bill.

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