Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Carter's Walking and Talking, Birthday parties

I forgot to mention another wonderful Mother's Day gift that I received. Carter is definitely saying "ma ma" and "da da" now! It's such a sweet feeling when that happens. When he gets really upset (usually when he wants food), he yells "M...O......M." In just a few short days, he is walking all over the place. I imagine by his 1st birthday (May 21st), he'll have it down pat!

Speaking of birthdays....I've been trying to plan Braden's 3rd and Carter's 1st for May 25. I LOVE birthday parties. I love planning them. I love picking out the perfect wording for the invitations (although I'm too cheap to actually splurge on an expensive invitation, so this year I sent them via e-mail.) I just think that it's the one day where people come to celebrate your life with you and I always want that day to be special for my children. I want them to know how much people care about and love them that they consider it important enough to celebrate the day when they entered the world.

This year I chose a Construction Theme for the boys. They are currently constructing two new homes next to us, so Braden has had an up close look at real diggers for the past few months. I love hearing him say "Look Mom, it's Digger Man" when we pull up to our house. He loves playing in his sandbox with his diggers that GG and Papa gave him last year for his birthday. And Carter, of course, loves anything that Buddy does, so he'll love it as well.

The invitation wording, I thought, was cute. Isa and I have been building a few houses out of cardboard for the kids to paint at the party. We're also going to make a home-made pinata out of cardboard and "Caution!" tape. The kids will try to demolish a building with a home made wrecking ball as well. They'll have a "Re-feuling" station that will have juice boxes, snacks, and such that will be in a tool box. Of course, they'll have a lot of fun in the sandbox with some diggers. I can't actually stake claim on this idea though. I got them from Family Fun Magazine. They have some really neat (and very practical, not going to break the bank) ideas. I think that the site is

Hope everone is having a great week. Braden's IEP meeting is on Friday, so I'll post when I have more details.

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