Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend.

We all went camping with Cindy, Gene, Jim and Jen. Cindy and Gene just bought a new camper and it is so nice! It was roomy enough to fit Carter's pack n play plus our entire family! I was so worried after our last camping experience, but I was proved wrong. The kids did wonderfully and we had a really nice time. If you haven't camped at Eastfork State Park before, check it out here:

On Saturday, they had an activity for the kids every hour from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. I took Isa and Braden to make a Frog craft. Their playground was really nice and up-to-date as well. At dusk they were showing Alvin and the Chipmunks. We skipped that in lieu of letting Isa roast marshmellows and make some smores.

We then returned home and everyone took a nap. The kids didn't go to bed until 10 p.m. on Friday night and still woke up at 7 a.m., so we were all beat.

We headed over to Jim and Jen's house for a nice Mother's Day get-to-gether with the Magato and Bolger families. They're such a nice easy to get along with family. It was great to see them again. While there, Carter definitely started walking from one spot to the next. He did it several times. He has taken steps here and there, but this time he was definitely getting from point A to B by walking.

When we returned home tonight, I put Braden to bed. His "bear bear" was downstairs in the van and I was too lazy to go get it, so I pulled the reserve out of the closet. He clearly said "Thank You Mommy!" And followed it up with an "I love you, Mommy." Just like his father, he's not a boy of many words, but when he does speak, it warms my heart. I absolutely love hearing him say "I love you, Mommy!"

So, in one walker and one talker! Not too bad. Now, where is that really nice mushy sentimental card that I asked for? Honey, if you go tomorrow, I bet they'll be on sale and you can get a really nice one for dirt cheap!

Happy Belated Birthday to Lauren (and Kevin, I think) Klasmeier and 5th anniversary to Paul and Monica Bigelow!

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